Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm sorry but it is true! (and hilarious)

So my dad sent me an email this morning that has a blog addressed attached to it.
You should all take a look. Well that is if you can laugh at yourself (you bloggers) because it is so true.


It's the married, mormon mommy blog about how exciting "her" life is, all the spiritual moments she has and details about every moment of her great, "so fun" life!! haha

But as I read on another blog, which explains me and probably a whole bunch of people, is that I don't journal, I don't do detailed scrapbooking so why not blog, right?! (especially if you can spare 5 minutes at work) :-) shh..


Lisa Harradine said...

Ha, ha, ha. That is so funny. I love it.

Dustin & Carrie Jenkins said...
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Dustin & Carrie Jenkins said...

Ok Missy, it's your turn! I want to see pictures of your house! I got a glimpse of a think a living room in the doggie pictures, but I want more. I totally agree with you though, I always want to paint, I think it adds so much, I see different things and always want to change, But Dustin puts the Kabash on that. lol. But we have talked about having a BBQ, So probably soon, But I am sad, cause I have YET to be invited to your casa!