Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Girl's Night & Girl's Night Again

I am so happy and greatful to be surrounded by so many great girlfriends. Some have been around for many years and we've been through many (mostly) ups and downs together. Then there are new friends either through spouces, neighbors or work. I am one lucky lady to be able to know all you girls! Thanks for your friendship!
Anyways... a few of the Delta wives (husbands are from Delta) and I got together on 03-12-09 to make flower magnets and hair clips. I enjoy the idea of crafts but I don't even attempt to do crafts on my own. I have to be with people and see how things work before I feel comfortable doing things on my own... I need the inspiration!
Of course we had to have a movie going while we worked and we decided on Moulin Rouge. We sang our little hearts out!
We had so much stuff to work with...

Here are some of the finished products.

Jenni and me.

Last night, 03-17-09, some of the girls from high school (Lauren and Angie) and I went and had pedicures done. I love these girls! Not everyone could make it but I am glad we are still doing our monthly get-togethers... 3 in a row.

Yes we all had the same color done.
Angie, Lauren and me.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Weird dream...

So Monday morning I had a dream that I was at the hospital getting ready to give birth. I remember my mom being there and a nurse. For some reason the nurse tells me the date which is February 20, 2011. Later in the dream I give birth to a boy.

So weird... I'm mainly posting this just for proof incase it does come true and you're all witnesses! :-) Wouldn't that just be waayyyy crazy!

I just can't get over how odd the dream was!

So anywho... how about that bachelor last night. Totally suprised me! All I can say is that it makes for great drama. I honestly never really care what happens (of course you feel sad when the person you like leaves ) I just need to get my fix of drama for the week! But I hope you all enjoyed it like I did. I'm also excited for the ATFR 2 tonight!

Monday, March 2, 2009


I don't know about you but I'm pretty excited, as always, for the finale of the Bachelor tonight.

I love and hate this show. Whenever I watch it I'm always making comments on how I hate that I watch this show or how stupid/cheesy/embarassing something is. Cole just sits there and laughs when I make my comments. Secretly I think he enjoys the show too.

I'm not sure what I want to happen tonight. I wanted him to choose Jillian but that won't happen so we'll see what tonight brings. Will he choose Melissa and propose to her with her family there, will Molly be pregnant, will he want to get back with Deanna, will he just X everyone and decide he made a mistake with Jillian... I just don't know!

If you love the show too and want to watch it with someone... give me a call and come to my place. Yes a few of us "Bachelor freaks" are going to watch it together!