Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Tag your it!
Read all of these fun things about US and then if we "Tag" you at the end you need to do a post answering all of these questions and then pass it along. Its fun to read each others answers.

8 Favorite TV Shows
1. 24
2. The O.C.
3. The Office
4. Seinfeld
5. Real World
6. The Jazz (it should be considered a sitcom since we watch it a few times a week)
7. 30 Rock
8. CSI Las Vegas

8 Favorite Dishes
1. Steak
2. Hamburgers
3. Camp fire hot dogs
4. Dutch oven potatoes and chicken
5. Chips and salsa
6. Betos Burritos
7. Ice cream
8. Fondue

8 Things That happened Yesterday
1. We worked
2. Ate ice cream
3. Bought a gym pass
4. Worked out
5. Watched TV
6. Made Elli a "chastity belt" ha
7. Made dinner together
8. Slept

8 Things We Look Forward To
1. The weekend
2. Mini vacations
3. Spring/Summer/Fall
4. Hot pots
5. Spending time with our families
6. Having grass
7. Boating
8. Camping!!!!

8 Things We Love About Fall
1. Leaves change
2. The weather
3. When we got engaged
4. My birthday
5. Halloween
6. Hiking in cool weather
7. The color orange (just me)
8. ?

8 Things On Our Wish List
1. That the economy picks back up so Cole can make the big bucks
2. That my job keeps me for at least another 12 or 18 months
3. For me to be a stay at home mom someday
4. To start our own business
5. To go on a cruise
6. Be debt free
7. Get into killer shape
8. To be happy and have fun as much as possible

Angie, Lauren, Lisa H., Michaun, Carrie, and Kristi - Tag your it!

1 comment:

Brady and Lindsay Wood said...

Steph i'm so glad you did this! it was fun learning more about you:)