Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Weird dream...

So Monday morning I had a dream that I was at the hospital getting ready to give birth. I remember my mom being there and a nurse. For some reason the nurse tells me the date which is February 20, 2011. Later in the dream I give birth to a boy.

So weird... I'm mainly posting this just for proof incase it does come true and you're all witnesses! :-) Wouldn't that just be waayyyy crazy!

I just can't get over how odd the dream was!

So anywho... how about that bachelor last night. Totally suprised me! All I can say is that it makes for great drama. I honestly never really care what happens (of course you feel sad when the person you like leaves ) I just need to get my fix of drama for the week! But I hope you all enjoyed it like I did. I'm also excited for the ATFR 2 tonight!


The Swenson Fam! said...

Oh fun Steph...you two better get busy! Pregnant in May!!! Ha ha, that would be pretty crazy. I've never heard a date in a dream before, how funny.

The bachelor made me so mad. I thought that was so jerky to do that to Melissa, I mean he had 6 weeks to break it off, no need to do it that way. Ugh, I couldn't believe it. And look at me actually worked up over a silly show, ha ha, I guess I have a problem huh??

Brady and Lindsay Wood said...

Steph that is so funny. I hope it does come true for you!! But who knows maybe you are baby hungry right now and you didnt even know it and it just might happen sooner than 2011....dreams are usually of thoughts that are floating in your head.

Dustin & Carrie Jenkins said...

Steph! I think that's a sign! There's a baby waiting to come to you! ;) Give in! Lol. That's a funny dream and so precise on the date.

You and your Bachelor, I must get into that next time!

The Allen Family said...

But maybe your pregnant right now and it ws like your body telling you so. Scary thought! That dream could be for like your another child or something.

Cole and Stephanie Fowler said...

haha... right... no way!
2 kids within the next 2 hahahaha... that's funny!